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Click to go to Inform deliverables
The Inform phase delivers clear picture of the critical issues that the brand faces, from this a
Brand Roadmap is developed to drive future the brand forwards. Inform deliverables
Click to go to Create deliverables
The Create phase brings life to the Brand Roadmap developing the visual, verbal, environmental
and behavioural building blocks of the brand ¢w brand assets. Create deliverables
Click to go to Express deliverables
The Express phase applies the brand assets to specific applications. Documentation in the form
of a brand toolkit captures the value and knowledge developed. Express deliverables
Inform deliverables
Design Audits
Benchmarks the brand expression and recommends future opportunities.
Competitor Analysis
Maps the competitive landscape highlighting white space opportunities.
Insight Workshops
Provides a stakeholder perspective of the brand and how it is perceived.
Create deliverables
Identity Creation
Develops the core visual identity assets ¢w logo, wordmark or icon.
Visual Language
Creates the look and feel of the brand and its tone of voice.
Information Architecture
Provides structure to the visual and verbal elements.
Express deliverables
Design Toolkit
Documents the brand to enable it to be expressed in all its forms.
Design Management
Provides consultancy on day-to-day brand management.
Implementation Services
Uses the Design Toolkit to develop real collateral items.